Limited Series / Limited Edition

For details, photos and price on each fine timepiece below please click on the watch image of your choice.

Egyptian Art Collection
The Egyptian Collection was produced in the Mid !990's and had a run of 10,000 watches made.
Only 4 New Watches known to be available are left.

Angel's Collection
The Angel Collection consisted of 7 angels. Two Angel Musicians, one known as "Angel Pinacoteca" and the other only known as the "Angel Playing the Lute" both painting by Melozzo de Forli in 1480, Rome. The other 5 are Baby Angel, Metatron, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Watches came in Two sizes, Large and Small. Series of 10,000 watches each World Wide.
Only 8 New Watches Know to be available are left.
Information "quotes" seen below for all the angels is included in the gift packaging of each watch
" Gabriel " - Large
Know as the " Angel of Revelation" Gabriel is said to be the highest ranking female angel in the angelic hierarchy. It was Gabriel who revealed to both Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, the news of their coming sons. It was Gabriel who beckoned Mohammed to give birth to the nation of Islam by dictating the word of Allah to him in the form of the Koran. According to the testimony of Joan of Arc it was Gabriel who persuaded her as a young peasant girl in Orleans to save her country. Inspired by Gabriel this child turned heroine is still one of Frances national treasures. Since the Garden of Eden Gabriel has been closely involved in the destiny of our species and has over and over demonstrated a willingness to become personally involved in the lives of those she feels will best serve the needs of human kind. The angel of the moon, she is said to possess the gift of hope for us all.
Painting - "Master of the Lite of Mary" by Artist and Date Unknown
" Metatron " - Large
Said by many to be the greatest angel of all. He is sometimes refereed to as "the king of the angels" According to Hebrew legend God himself transformed the prophet Enoch into the angel Metatron. This would make him about 8500 years old, relatively young for an angel. As the celestial scribe he records everything that happens in the heavenly archives. He is empowered to give the right of the "Key to the mystical interpretation of scripture"... Metatron is the one who guided the children of Israel through the desert for forty years.
Painting - "Adoring Angel" by Fran Angelico
“ Metatron ” - Small
Said by many to be the greatest angel of all. He is sometimes refereed to as "the king of the angels" According to Hebrew legend God himself transformed the prophet Enoch into the angel Metatron. This would make him about 8500 years old, relatively young for an angel. As the celestial scribe he records everything that happens in the heavenly archives. He is empowered to give the right of the "Key to the mystical interpretation of scripture"... Metatron is the one who guided the children of Israel through the desert for forty years.
Painting - "Adoring Angel" by Fran Angelico
“ Raphael ” - Large
Known as the "Angel of healing" , he first appears in "The book of Tobit" where he shares with Tobias his knowledge of basic cures using fish parts. Legend claims it was Raphael who gave to Noah a "Medical Book" after the flood, thought to be the famous "Book of the angel Raziel." One of the seven angels of the throne he is also referred to as the guardian of the tree of life in the garden of eden. It was Raphael who answered the prayers of King Solomon when asked for help in building his temple. He is also known as the "Angel of science and knowledge." He healed both Abraham and Jacob of the physical pains they were suffering. Raphael is in charge of healing the earth... the earth which furnishes a place for man, whom he also heals of his illness. "The Angel of the sun" , Raphael is said to be the most sociable archangel and is often said to enjoy chatting away with unknown mortals.
Painting - "Tobias and the Three Archangels" by Francesco Botticini
“ Musicians ” - Large
In Hebrew folklore the angel Metatron is given the name "Master Of Heavenly Song" and in Islam the angel Israfel is given domain over music. The angel Uriel has gained much renown as "The angel of Music". During the Renaissance, some of the world's greatest artisans gave us new enlightened images of the angels. This allowed them to take on an earthly form that was easier for all of us to relate to. Some believe the images of these divine beings painted by a talented few came about through their gifted ability to share visions of the other world where angels existed. Angels began to partake in humanistic activities such as music, compassion and a desire to protect their fellow inhabitants of this realm. Each step of the way becoming more closely tied with us. So when you hear music and laughter; when you witness kindness and bravery you know they are at work.
Painting - "Angel playing the lute" by Melozzo de Forli
" Baby " - Small
During the Renaissance period, it was time for mankind to take another step. There are many ideas held secret in the heavens and the time had come to share them with us on earth. One of the first signs of these revelations were the little voices heard inside the minds of the great artists like Michelangelo, Raphael and many others who began to lay down on canvas the visions they were receiving of these heavenly messengers. Coincidentally, a new age of insight began to take place. Unfortunately the timing was not right and these magnificent creatures, along with beautiful art and ideas of some of the most gifted people of all, were removed by the Inquisition. Recently a new renaissance has brought both this exquisite art and an awareness of these celestial companions to the forefront of all of our minds. You never know who's path you will cross as you go throughout your day.
Painting - detail from Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" (circa 1513)
" Michael "
Michael, one of the most publicized of the archangels emerges from age old literature as the commander and chief of the celestial army of heaven. He is strong and handsome with wings the color of emeralds. Often pictured wearing armour and with sword drawn he is god's great champion, carefully seeing to it that all our prayers are transmitted on to heaven. He is the protector of the Roman Catholic church as well as the patron saint and guardian angel of the Hebrew nation. Michael is said to have liberated Peter from prison as well as having appeared with Gabriel to the prophet Mohammed. It was Michael who stopped Abraham from taking the life of his son Isaac and according to Revelation it is he who will lead the fight for us all against the forces of Evil. This was again confirmed when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 and Michael was referred to as the "Prince of Light", leading an army against the dark legions. It has been foretold in the Book of Daniel that he would return when the world was again in trouble.
Painting - "Tobias and the Three Archangels" by Francesco Botticini